This featured podcast puts one of modern ChristianityΓÇÖs most controversial figures at centre stage.
Category: Online Resources
Featured Podcast: Hidden Brain
I have rediscovered podcasts which in turn has helped rebirth my love forΓö¼├íthe spoken word. It╬ô├ç├ûs radio but better because I get to choose who and what I listen to. One man should not have such power╬ô├ç┬¬ Anyway,Γö¼├íI want to feature a few of the podcasts I╬ô├ç├ûm currently listening to one at a time. It╬ô├ç├ûs… Continue reading Featured Podcast: Hidden Brain
The Joy of Depression – a presentation/workshop by Dr. David Bush
If you’ve got an hour Dr. David Bush leads a workshop which looks at what depression can actually teach us. It also includes a set of questions to challenge irrational beliefs that are often the cause of a depressive episode.